Thursday, May 27, 2010

Memorial Day - A day to give Thanks

Memorial Day, originally called the Decoration Day, is a United States Federal Holiday observed in the memory of all those who died in the nation's service. It was formerly called the decorative day as the day is observed by decorating the graves of those soldiers who readily sacrificed their life for the country and countrymen.

To respect the men and women who gave lives for their country, The National Memorial Day Concert is conducted at the west lawn of the United States Capitol. The Memorial day is observed at Arlington church by ceremonial lacing of the national flag on the graves. It is also a custom for the president or vice-president of the state to give a speech honoring the dead by mentioning their contribution to the country. Local Memorial Day parades are also conducted at many cities and towns by members of community organizations like Rotary Clubs, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.

Take some time this Memorial Day to give thanks to the people who fought for all the things we have - and most importantly, our FREEDOM!

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